Top 5 Benefits of Using Custom Rubber Ducks As Promotional Products

Promotional Custom Rubber Ducks
Posted in: Branding Ideas

Custom rubber duckies are an excellent way to build awareness of your brand since some consumers would like to receive promo items more frequently. These promotional products can be given away with severe advantages to your business. Brand impressions are generally more favorable when promotional products are used.

To boost your brand awareness and benefit your business, here how you can use personalized rubber ducks:

1. It brings back childhood memories to see printed rubber ducks:

Rubber duck giveaways cast your brand in a positive light. People often associate rubber ducks with their childhood. This nostalgic feeling is appealing to many people.

Your brand is viewed as the one who provided them with a valuable item when the rubber ducks logo appears. When consumers see the rubber ducks logo, they are reminded of your brand as the one who provided them with a valuable item.

Most likely, children will use rubber ducks in their baths, playing with them. Naturally, they will appreciate this, boosting their positive opinion of your company. But rubber ducks serve another function as well.

2. Fun and stress-relieving toys:

A rubber duck can be used as a stress toy. A stress toy is something you squeeze to release muscle tension and stress.

Rubber ducks branded with your company's name will be associated as stress relievers by consumers.

3. A unique giveaway item:

Customized rubber ducks make great giveaways. Custom rubber ducks aren't something you see every day, like promotional pens or bags from companies. So give them away to increase brand awareness.

Rubber ducks, being novelty items, are likely to be kept by most consumers compared to unwanted promotional items.

Consumers are more likely to give rubber duckies to others if they don't keep them. Rubber ducks still effectively advertise your company, so they make a worthwhile ROI.

4. Positive brand perceptions:

With customized rubber ducks, you get valuable brand impressions. In the long run, it will pay off to invest in these ducks because the benefits of one duck last for years.

It is well worth the expense to invest in custom rubber ducks because you will gain brand exposure, advertising, and increased awareness of your brand, which will result in more visitors to your physical location and website.

Promotional gifts like rubber ducks with a logo make a brand appear fun and approachable. You will make your business seem more friendly and approachable by associating it with pleasure and playfulness.

Having fun is one of the purposes of toys. People love to play, so they will remember your brand more if you sell them rubber ducks.

5. Put a quack to work for you:

Consumers recall ads that provided them with branded items like shirts and hats. Rubber ducks with custom logos will make the brand memorable.

Consumers recall advertisements that provide branded items like shirts and hats about 85% of the time. So imagine how high the brand recall would be with branded rubber ducks.

Promote your business by learning about branding and promotion. Your brand will appreciate it.

2 years ago
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